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Paltoo Shrivastav
Consulting Associates
4/4, Shri Sidhiganesh, Sector 2,
Airoli, Navi Mumbai – 400798 (India)

07th July, 2009

C/O David K C Butcher Law Chambers,

Dear Sirs,
We write to appreciate the satisfactory corporate legal services of “ David K C Butcher Law Chambers” in handling the legal needs of United Kingdom Frais SARL Company,  in United Kingdom, UK. The services rendered were cost effective and expeditious and as such we look forward to your continuous support and long future collaboration.
Thanking you, Sincerely yours,

PP Shrivastav
Advocate and Managing Partner
Consulting Associates,
Mumbai – 400798 (India)



Kulling Abi Kent State university                    
991 Simon Lane #193 Kent OH, 442840
United States of America                        

David K C Butcher Law Chambers

Dear Sirs,
I on behalf of my family send you this note to appreciate the satisfactory services your Team  of legal experts, accorded us  during our stay in Spain. Your services were professional, expeditious and cost effective.We are so grateful and look forward to your ccontinuous legal guardiance and hope you will continue with us, your professional services when need arises.
Accept our regards.

Kulling Abi.


"David K C Butcher Law Chambers is one of those you would not regret to be associated with. They are specialist attorneys in Intellectual Property and are legal consultants of repute. The firm has a dedicated staff who are willing to attend to clients at any time of the day. Their expedicious and timely service is one of the strong points I wish to draw others to experience." 

NJAH Martins Mbah
Legal Counsel - trade marks & Corpyrights
Academia Complex Apartment D1
Stellenbosch 7600